luni, 7 aprilie 2014


Sitting on a bench with a clear blue sky over my head
There's a tingling sensation, my feet get rid of the lead
That resided within them for so long, they were mine again
And they started moving on their own, I can't explain.

They were carrying me towards a known destination
A place that I remembered dearly even after separation
It was there that I grew up, there I laughed and cried
There was my home, and we've been forever tied.

I still laugh with much pleasure, I remember everything
Now I understand that I left over there, something
A big part of me, or small, maybe that's why I'm not tall
Anyway, wherever I may go, I shan't forget it at all.

My happiness, if it may ever hit me, there it began
There I realized everything, that sometimes I can
And sometimes I can't but I'll never forget it,my birthplace
It may be bad and decrepit, but in my heart it has a special place.

duminică, 6 aprilie 2014


Scriu pe foaie goala randuri fara sens,
Imi apar cuvinte ce nu le deslusesc,
Pentru mine si eu sunt un mister...
Pot fi si in Iad, pot fi si in cer..

Nu am cerut nimanui sa ma inteleaga,
Nici eu nu stiu cine sunt, ce voi fi, draga...
Ma invart in 300 de locuri ascunse in minte,
Si culeg de acolo mii si mii de cuvinte.

Acum nu imi ramane decat sarcina de a le pune impreuna,
Am in mine un puzzle, 80% nerezolvat, restul o gluma,
Pulberi de sperante spulberate calatoresc, cautand casa
Si se plimba si se plimba, spera, o speranta falsa.

vineri, 4 aprilie 2014


Un calduros salut pentru draga mea audienta,
Sper ca nu v-a lipsit a mea prezenta,
Apar in fata voastra din nou sa va declar
Ca vin si plec, pentru mine nu e clar...

Spun asta cu o mica mare plecaciune, iertare,
Dar cum am mai declarat deja destul de tare,
Nu e clar nimic pentru mine, e cetos, e opac
Ma simt la fel ca si cum as juca fara pistol pac-pac...

Off, am atatea de spus, de povestit (minciuna)
Mi-a fost dor de voi foarte mult (asta-i buna)
Sper sa ne mai intalnim odata (nu chiar)
Asta e numarul meu (l-am luat din ziar).

Si inca odata va salut cu respectul ce vi se cuvine,
Nu stiu daca mai apar, depinde de cheful din mine,
Zambetul meu e amar, nu mai vad, toti dispar,
As fi vrut sa imi pese, un minut macar...