marți, 10 decembrie 2013

About love

I'm singing with your face in mind
I'm laughing at the world, it's too kind;
When I'm with you, nothing can hurt me
I don't get mad, I let it be.

But when I'm without you, I'm fine
I still think that the world is mine
I'm happy with you, but it's okay if you're not there
I mean that whatever you mean to me, I just don't care.

I mean I love you, but I could live without you
You make my world prettier, but there are a few
That do the same; that's why you're not my world
You're my love, but I'm still me, carefree and cold.

I could say that I'd die if you aren't by my side
But I won't, and that's true, I still haven't lied..
You either love me as well, or you can go away
I don't care about us specifically, I'm fine either way.

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