Hey baby girl, long time no see...
Tell me, did you enjoy the sea?
I sure loved the feeling of you gone,
Taking small steps one by one...
I saw that house, once more
It was the closest to the shore
Do you remember?
It was December...
I walked through it again, alone
It's not the same, it has grown...
I had all that room to myself,
I saw the card we put on the shelf...
Everything seems so big, it awaits me
You remember, I said I'm gonna be...
Forget it, you're in the same room as I was,
Yet it's not small; you defy its laws.
The world is so big, I can't see the end of it
I still remember that candle, which you lit..
It gave us warmth, safety and light,
I was unaware you wished to fight.
And end it so soon;
I played it too cool...
The world is too big, I still wish it was gone..
And you.... you went there with another one.